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Leiter, Leichter, Weiter

Permanent public commission for Ilgen primary school in the city of Zürich: two glass ladders reaching into the sky. The two identical school buildings each have a 4 meters tall ladder installed on their facade. They stand as a metaphor for the role of the school, elevation in its broadest sense.

Ilgen A und B
Ilgenstrasse 11
CH-8032 Römerhof, Zürich ZH
Stadt Zürich
Stadt Zürich
Vanessa Billy

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Leiter, Leichter, Weiter (2013)
Vanessa Billy
Permanent public commission for Ilgen primary school in the city of Zürich: two glass ladders reaching into the sky. The two identical school buildings each have a 4 meters tall ladder installed on their facade. They stand as a metaphor for the role of the school, elevation in its broadest sense.
Sicherheitsglass, Metallbefestigungen
Geschichtetes Glass
4 x 0.4 x 0.05 m

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